• Impose a temporary ban on the import of poultry meat and eggs and their products and Ttaghizachma from several regions in


    The East Chamber present its compliments,this is to inform you that we received a letter from theCouncil of Saudi Chambersnumber(ش.غ/1437)dated(05/06/1436),referreditto theletter ofthe Ministry of Tradeand Industrynumber(18185) dated(05/03/1435e),referredtothe letter from theHEChief Executiveof the General Authorityforfood and Drugnumber(12230/ب(ص)) dated(04/12/1436)regardingthe imposition ofa temporaryban on the importof poultry meatandeggsandtheir productsandTtaghizachmafromseveral regionsinTaiwan(Xiaoy- YuanLin-PingTung-HangHua-Tao Yuan)because ofhighpathogenicavian influenza.​

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